PCLinuxOS Fr et les règlements de la team
/! Note to English readers : I won’t take time to translate French for English readers and English to French readers. Under the present text you can find a few places where you can get an instant and approximate translation.
/! Je ne prendrai pas le temps de traduire l’anglais pour les francophones, ou le français pour les anglophones. Voici quelques adresses pour une traduction instantanée et approximative du contenu de ces pages:
De quoi s’agit-il ?
Aujourd’hui je pense qu’il est temps de poster ici le contenu de deux messages qui m’ont été délivrés par messages privés, dans le forum du site pclinuxos.com.
C’est la suite du billet posté il y a juste une semaine: PCLinuxOS Éducation 2012 et les règlements de la team.
=== début de citation ===
quote author=Hootiegibbon link=action=profile;u=319 date=1334711260
Melodie,As you are aware, we have been auditing all the community editions of PCLinuxOS and have
been removing non-compliant iso’s from circulation. We are also in the process of
consolidating our current releases in order to make way for the 64bit releases when they
are ready.PCLinuxOS-OpenBox (and any spinoff) was the weakest release out of the audit, and as such
is now earmarked for deletion from the mirrors at some time within the next 7-10 days.While we are consolidating our releases we request that you remove the french remasters
also.You have also been previously advised in regards to your confrontational manor relating
to discussion of development matters.We will review the current decisions at a later undisclosed date. Part of that review
will be reliant on the attitude you exhibit to the developers and to the forum.This matter is not subject to any conversation or barter.
We would prefer to have your cooperation at this time.
This does not presently affect your standing within the forum other than what has been
stated above, and so long as your attitude is improved, I see no reason why it should be.Thanks for reading.
For and on behalf of the PCLinuxOS Development team===fin de citation===
===ma réponse ===
Hi Jase,
The next PCLinuxOS Openbox versions will be 100% compliant with the PCLinuxOS standards.
The full one has only zram in it, which does not belong to the repos. The Bonsai version
will become a mini and under that shape will be compliant if I have time to create one or
if someone wants to take over (I started a discussion with someone about this idea).The diy version (actual pclinuxos openbox bonsai) will have another name and pclinuxos
will not be used as name, logo or images.the French versions, else than the Openbox versions are all compliant and I have the
authorisation from Texstar to deliver French spinoffs with the name of PCLinuxOS in it.
You can ask him for confirmation. I still have a copy of his message telling me my french
versions are ok.You do not ignore, I suppose that turzin has recently done a great job with a PCLinuxOS
Lxde Fr which is perfectly compliant.[citation]This matter is not subject to any conversation or barter.
We would prefer to have your cooperation at this time.[/citation]
I would also like the dev team on behalf of you to consider having a talk with the 2
other main contributors of the French section. Their work is very good, be it for the
wiki fr : http://wiki.pclinuxos-fr.org or for the new lxde fr spinoff for which a full
presentation has been published : http://pclinuxos-fr.org and they deserve the highest
consideration.Best regards,
melodiePS: the older fr versions will be replaced one by one : Lxde is already up to date with
a april 2012 version, turzin started working on a kde version… the Xfce version will
not be considered as long as the depends for any component exceed what we usually find in
other distributions.=====
Cette manière de faire, de prendre des décisions en cachant un peu tout ce qui gêne est assez caractéristique de la manière dont la communication est menée chez PCLinuxOS. Les discussions au grand jour, ce n’est pas souhaité !
La réponse que j’ai obtenue suite à cet échange est une fin de non recevoir en bonne et due forme.
Voici cette réponse:
[citation author=Hootiegibbon link=action=profile;u=319 date=1334790547]
Melodie,In order to redress your reply:
The decision has already been made. We are reducing the number of releases in order to make way for the 64bit releases in the near future.
The deletion process has already begun, and there will be no approved PClinuxOS-OpenBox iso.
The permission to repackage/translate the releases into French was revoked with the notice we previously sent to you. We have the addlocal script to enable a multi-lingual PCLinuxOS.
There was no official request for artwork to be undertaken, this is something you decided to organize, despite recent communications with various members of the development team in which you were advised that your iso was being audited.
As you intend to rebrand bonsai as your own, I would suggest you concentrate on that as your iso project.
You were advised, and you quoted the fact, that this matter was not subject to any conversation or barter, yet you still persist with your message to me.
Some consideration has been given to you. Your previous actions and argumentative interactions with the developers and administrators would have had others receive a 15-30 day ban from the forums.
IF you wish to continue to help PCLinuxOS, in a truly cooperative manner, we would invite you to join the Testers. We will not be requiring your services to create any further isos in the foreseeable future.
As regards to the new LXDE-French iso, you will either need to delete or rebrand it as with any KDE iso you mention.
The developers and the Admin team have requested I be the point of contact with you. You may wish to examine your previous conversations with those you have spoken to, to gain an idea as to why they will not speak to you directly again.
All that is required, by way of a reply to this message, is for you to acknowledge that you will not pursue this conversation any further, that you will cease producing French translations, and you will advise anybody that you have engaged into producing artwork or isos to cease at this time.
IF you decide to do what you did previously, start another thread about this topic on the open forum, your post will be deleted and you will be banned from interacting within the forum or participating in any PCLinuxOS projects.
Thanks for reading
For and on behalf of the PCLinuxOS Development team
Je me demande s’il y a un parti pris vis-à-vis de « melodie », ou vis-à-vis des linuxiens francophones en général ? Il est évident que en étant membre actif du forum, je ne suis pas passée inaperçue, non plus que les travaux engagés par d’autres membres du forum « French ».
Si l’équipe de développement de PCLinuxOS veut que toutes les distributions préalablement localisées soient renommées et débarrassées de toute mention à PCLinuxOS, il lui faudra faire le tour des communautés telles que celles-ci, qui pour certaines produisent déjà des versions localisées depuis un certain temps:
If the PCLinuxOS team wants the PCLinuxOS brand name to be delivered only by the PCLinuxOS official team, they should visit all the foreign communities who have been remastering to their own language using PCLinuxOS as a usual name, since a long time.
Quelques exemples:
http://www.pclinuxosusers.de/index.php, http://www.pclinuxos.cz/ (avec des images isos comme celle-ci : http://mirror.panelnet.cz/pclinuxos/live-cd/pclinuxos-2012.02-kde-cs-sk.iso ou celle-là : http://mirror.panelnet.cz/pclinuxos/live-cd/pclinuxos-2012.2-gnome-cs.iso), et notez les liens vers les différentes communautés dans la barre latérale de gauche:
en cherchant un peu, et avec l’aide de « translate.google » je pense que l’on pourrait trouver encore bien des productions nommées «pclinuxos-2012» assorties du code iso de la communauté concernée.
Script Addlocale : C’est un programme en bash créé par un membre de la communauté PCLinuxOS, qui a pour objectif de compenser l’absence d’un outil de localisation dans PCLinuxOS. Le développeur a créé un dépôt contenant de nombreuses locales et son script les installe en fonction de votre choix de langue et des paquets qui sont présents dans votre système au moment où vous l’employez.
Ce script est très utile pour dégrossir la localisation mais le tout présente quelques défauts. Par exemple, si au moment ou vous le lancez, le serveur distant est en train d’effectuer une synchronisation, votre localisation tombe à l’eau et parfois même se bloque. Il faut que le système soit parfaitement à jour avant de commencer.
Si vous ne lisez pas l’anglais, vous aurez du mal à installer avant de localiser; Si vous lancez Addlocale en Live, vous devrez de toute manière mettre la distribution à jour avant, ce qui peut ne pas être possible, en fonction de la RAM dont dispose votre machine;
Enfin, si tout se passe bien vous voilà au bout : mais les traductions des menus sont imparfaites, et les localisations publiées sur le forum n’ont pas été intégrées.
Voici toutes les très bonne raisons pour localiser les versions de la distribution avant de les fournir avec des améliorations notables.